Frontispiece, Taunton Castle, IMAGE, Part 1, Vol 18, (1872)

The twenty-fourth Annual Meeting held at Taunton Castle on 10th September, 1872, Part 1, Vol 18, (1872), pp 1-4

Sanford, W A, Inaugural Address, Part 1, Vol 18, (1872), pp 5-15

Stoke Courcey, Part 1, Vol 18, (1872), pp 15-16

Meade, Rev. Canon, Queen Elizabeth’s Sapphire Ring, Part 1, Vol 18, (1872), pp 16-17

First Excursion to Taunton Castle, Churches of St Mary Magdalene & St James, Taunton Priory and the Grammar School, Part 1, Vol 18, (1872), pp 18-25
Second Excursion, Boyd Dawkins, W, Ancient Geography of the West of England, Part 1, Vol 18, (1872), pp 26-33

Evening Excursion to the Quarry in the grounds of Hestercombe, the house, Kingston Church, Norton Camp, Bishops Hull Church and Manor House, IMAGE, Part 1, Vol 18, (1872), pp 34-46

Coleman, Rev. J, Extracts from the Parish Register of Stoke St. Gregory, Part 1, Vol 18, (1872), pp 48-54

Excursion to the Old Road to Bathpool, West Monkton, Creech St. Michael, North Curry, Thorn Falcon and Ruishton Churches, Part 1, Vol 18, (1872), pp 55-68

The Museum, Part 1, Vol 18, (1872), pp 68-69

Conversazione, Part 1, Vol 18, (1872), p 69

Museum Additions, Part 1, Vol 18, (1872), pp 70-72

Freeman, E A, King Ine, Part 2, Vol 18, (1872), pp 1-59

Clark, G T, Taunton Castle, IMAGE, Part 2, Vol 18, (1872), pp 60-76

Jones, W A, The Customs of the Manor of Taunton Deane, Part 2, Vol 18, (1872), pp 77-99

Hugo, Rev. T, The Hospital of St. Margaret, Taunton, IMAGE, Part 2, Vol 18, (1872), pp 100-135

Hugo, Rev. T, Hestercombe, Part 2, Vol 18, (1872), pp 136-176

Tuckwell, Rev. W, Notes on the Flora of the Quantock Hills, Part 2, Vol 18, (1872), pp 177-184

Trustees and Officers of the Society, Part 2, Vol 18, (1872)