Proceedings Volume 165 (2021)
Published June 2023

Stephen R. Cosh. The Lindinis group of mosaics. Volume 165 (2021), 159-171
Shorter papers
Stephen Minnitt. The Wedmore coin hoard of 1853. Volume 165 (2021), 233-237
Nick Corcos. A note on the toponym ‘nine barrows’ at Priddy. Volume 165 (2021), 238-243
Stephen Minnitt. James and Mary Adey: Coiners in Taunton. Volume 165 (2021), 249-251
C. J. Webster (ed). Somerset Archaeology 2021. Volume 165 (2021), 263-285
Ecology in Somerset 2021.
Editorial. Volume 165 (2021), 286-287
Natural History reports. Volume 165 (2021), 290-306
Book reviews. Volume 165 (2021), 307-311
Proceedings of the Society. Volume 165 (2021), 312-315
Obituaries. Volume 165 (2021), 321-323
Isabel Richardson by Shirley Blaylock, with a reflection by Mary Ewing.
David Rabson, a reflection by Don Church.