Proceedings Volume 152 (2008)

Woolhouse, R, John Locke and Somerset, Volume 152 (2008), pp 1-10
Thorn, F R, Kelston in Domesday Book, Volume 152 (2008), pp 139-151
Carter, R W, Former Medieval Open Fields in the Eastern Blackdowns, Volume 152 (2008), pp 153-164
Payne, N, Two Recently Discovered Civil War Hoards from Somerset, Volume 152 (2008), pp 189-195
McCann, J, Wrought Iron Windows in Somerset, Volume 152 (2008), pp 197-202
Shorter Papers
- Harding, P, and Aston, M. The Context and Significance of a Palaeolithic Hand Axe from Winscombe, Volume 152 (2008), pp 217-220
- Corcos, N, and Smisson, B. Prehistoric Standing Stones in Banwell, Volume 152 (2008), pp 220-221
- Aston, M. The Story of a Stone Adze from Winscombe Parish, Volume 152 (2008), pp 221-222
- Gerrard, J. The Silver Siliquae from Green Cutting, Kingshams, Ilchester, Volume 152 (2008), pp 222-224
- Graham, A. St Michael’s Church, Seavington: Archaeological Excavation of the Nave and Chancel, Volume 152 (2008), pp 224-228
- Hopkinson-Ball, T F. A Medieval English Hand ‘Reliquary’ from Glastonbury Abbey?, Volume 152 (2008), pp 228-231
Croad, S (Ed.), Book Reviews, Volume 152 (2008), pp 251-260
Webster, C J (Ed.), Somerset Archaeology 2008, Volume 152 (2008), pp 261-279
Levy, D, and Levy, T, Hoverfly Report 2008, Volume 152 (2008), pp 286-287
Book Reviews, Volume 152 (2008), pp 288-294
Somerset Archaeological and Natural History Society: Trustees, Officers and Board of the Society 2008-2008, Volume 152 (2008), pp 295-296
Somerset Archaeological and Natural History Society: Annual General Meeting 2008, Volume 152 (2008), p 296
Somerset Archaeological and Natural History Society: Maltwood and Gray Funds, Volume 152 (2008), p 296
Bromwich, D, Additions to the Library 2007 [sic], Volume 152 (2008), pp 297-298
Bromwich, D, Some Articles of Somerset Interest in Non-Somerset Periodicals Received During 2008, Volume 152 (2008), p 299