Proceedings Volume 116 (1972)
Proceedings, Part I, Volume 116 (1972), pp 3-4
Election of Officers and Members of Council, p 3
Summary of the Secretary’s Report, pp 3-4
Annual Accounts, p 4
Somerset Record Society, p 4
Natural History Section, Part I, Volume 116 (1972), pp 5-12
Indoor Meetings, p 5
Field Meetings, pp 5-6
Keylock, J G, Fungi, pp 6-7
Hallam, A D, Recorders’ Notes: Botany 1971, pp 8-10
Appleyard, J, Recorders’ Notes: Bryophyte Records, 1971, pp 10-11
Chappel, H M, Recorders’ Notes: Somerset Lepidoptera in 1971, p 11
Hingley, A C M, The Somerset Trust for Nature Conservation, p 12
Additions to the Library, Part I, Volume 116 (1972), p 13
Finances, Part I, Volume 116 (1972), pp 14-15
Hayward, L C, The Roman Villa at Lufton, Near Yeovil, Part II, Volume 116 (1972), pp 59-77
Branigan, K, The Romano-British Villa at Brislington, Part II, Volume 116 (1972), pp 78-85
Williams, E H D, Corn Drying Kilns, Part II, Volume 116 (1972), pp 101-103
Reid, R D, Low Side WIndows in Somerset Churches, Part II, Volume 116 (1972), pp 104-106
The Somerset Record Office, Part II, Volume 116 (1972), pp 107-109
Notes, Part II, Volume 116 (1972), pp 110-116
Leech, R H, Excavations on Bradley Hill, 1972 (ST470303), p 110
Leech, R H, Excavations at Catsgore, Somerton, Somerset, 1972 (ST506264), p 111
Mason, E J, Excavation of a Rock Shelter, Bracelet Cave, at Hope Wood, Ebbor, Wookey Hole, pp 111-112
Dunning, R W, The Plasterwork at Gaulden Manor, Tolland, pp 113-114
Walker, I C, Three Somerset Pipemakers, pp 114-115
Dunning, R W, Discoveries at Combe St. Nicholas, pp 115-116