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Broken Angels – Scandal at Glastonbury Abbey in 1408 by Rev. Dr. Mark Hutchinson

Wells and Mendip Museum 8 Cathedral Green, Wells, Somerset

Mark has studied the social history of the monks of Glastonbury Abbey. He will give an account of the scandal in 1408 and ask the audience to help him solve the crime. Meetings are held in The Lecture Hall at Wells & Mendip Museum. Admission FREE for members. Visitors £2.00    

“What Makes a British Hero?” by Sean Brunton

Birchall Hall, Queens College Trull Road, Taunton, United Kingdom

An 2022-23 Historical Association event "A Real hero is one who exhibits extraordinary bravery and spirit" writes the author in the introduction to his book, 'Six of the Best'. People have made heroes of individuals in all societies throughout history. This talk explains how heroes emerge as exemplars of the customs and norms of their […]

“A Genealogical Detective Story” by Clive Barker

Tintinhull Village Hall Vicarage Street, Tintinhull, Somerset

"A Genealogical Detective Story" by Clive Barker Tintinhull Local History Group Autumn 2022 Programme Coffee available from 7.15pm with presentation from 7.30pm Cost: £3 Venue: Tintinhull Village Hall

“The Crisis of Meritocracy: How Popular Demand Made Britain a Mass Education Society” by Professor Peter Mandler

Birchall Hall, Queens College Trull Road, Taunton, United Kingdom

An 2022-23 Historical Association event Before the Second World War, only 115 of young people had any experience of secondary school and hardly 1-2% of higher education; today of course everyone goes to secondary school for up to 7 years and half of all young people go on to higher education. How did we get […]

Somerset – A Landscape with Chapels Webinar by David Dawson

It is easy to underestimate the significance of the legacy of nonconformity in Somerset. In 1991, the Royal Commission listed 198 nonconformist chapels in Somerset, 13 of them ‘principal monuments’. David will talk about what they tell us about the social history of the county. This is a Free event, but donations are greatly appreciated. […]

Lead Mining on Mendip in the Roman & Victorian Periods by Steve Tofts

Wells and Mendip Museum 8 Cathedral Green, Wells, Somerset

Steve has been a long-time volunteer at the Museum as well as other local groups. His association with these has led to an interest in the local lead mines and their importance to the local economy throughout history. Meetings are held in The Lecture Hall at Wells & Mendip Museum. Admission FREE for members. Visitors […]

“Malcolm X and the Genealogy of Black Power” by Dr Tom Davies

Birchall Hall, Queens College Trull Road, Taunton, United Kingdom

An 2022-23 Historical Association event Young black militants calling for 'Black Power' in mid-1966 were famously referred to as 'the angry children of Malcolm X' - but what was Malcolm X's impact on the Black Power movement that emerged after his assassination? And what can we learn about the longer history of Black Power from […]

Limestone Plants by David Walker (followed by the AGM)

Wells and Mendip Museum 8 Cathedral Green, Wells, Somerset

David is the Hon. Curator at the Museum and has been a keen member of local caving clubs for many years. Unsurprisingly, his interest in the caves found in areas of limestone has also led to the plants found there. Meetings are held in The Lecture Hall at Wells & Mendip Museum. Admission FREE for […]

“Creating a ‘Usable Past’: The Legacy of the 1917 Revolution in Modern Russia” by Dr Matthew Rendle

Birchall Hall, Queens College Trull Road, Taunton, United Kingdom

An 2022-23 Historical Association event The Russian Revolution remains a deeply problematic historical moment in modern Russia. On the one hand Putin's Russia tries to harness the past to strengthen patriotism and project state authority, and there was little of either evident between 1917 and 1922 in Russian as revolution descended into brutal civil war. […]

“A Trip to Steep Holm” Webinar by Stephen Parker

This fully illustrated talk will take us on a trip to the island of Steep Holm in the Severn Estuary. Just off Weston-super-Mare, the island is home to a range of uncommon wildflowers, slow worms, Muntjac deer and hundreds of breeding gulls. Managed by a small local trust this talk will give you an insight […]


Events are graded from 1-4 in difficulty. The grading is found in the event description in the calendar on this page. Keep in mind that a change in weather conditions can make a walk more difficult than anticipated. All walks and activities demand a basic level of fitness, suitable footwear and waterproof clothing.

1 Easy – generally even ground with a few gentle slopes; no special fitness needed.  Comfortable footwear required.

2 Moderate – for reasonably fit people, may include unsurfaced rural paths and tracks, moderate slopes, uneven surfaces, steps and stiles. Walking shoes/boots required.

3 Strenuous – for fit, experienced walkers, will include hills, uneven surfaces, tracks and may include muddy terrain. Walking boots and waterproof clothing are essential.

4 Confined spaces – including caves and attics. Locations may be dusty, slippery and dark.

Activity leaders carry out a risk assessment beforehand. Participants are required to provide emergency contact details before taking part in an activity – this information is destroyed by the group leader after the activity has taken place.