Donations Privacy Policy
Somerset Archaeology and Natural History Society protects the privacy of all donors. By submitting the donations form, you consent to our processing your personal data for the purposes stated below.
Data collection
SANHS will collect:
• Your email address (if provided)
• The date and amount of your donation
• The stated reason for giving
• Information provided by PayPal about your payment, such as completion status, currency, and a transaction ID.
How is this data stored?
This information is collected and saved in a database by the form creation plugin Forminator. The record is held securely on our website (, which uses WordPress software.
Payment is handled off-site by PayPal. Your credit/debit card or PayPal account details are never made available to SANHS.
Who has access to my data?
The record of your donation will be held in confidence. It may be made available to SANHS’ Board of Trustees, in order to evaluate our fundraising trends. The amount donated to particular causes may also be passed anonymously to SANHS activity organisers, offering them feedback on an event’s success.
The information you provide, including email address, will not be passed to any third parties.
Changes to your information
The Society will retain your information until you decide otherwise. If you would like to access the information the Society holds about you, or if you would like to change information that we hold, contact or
Effective date: 12/08/2021