Proceedings Volume 163 (2019)

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Tabor, R, and Darvill, T, Prehistoric ceramics and associated radiocarbon dating from the hinterland of South Cadbury, Somerset, England: Part 1: Chronological framework and character of the Early Neolithic to Late Bronze Age pottery, Volume 163, (2019), pp 1-30

Allen, M, Booth, P, and Thacker, G, An early Bronze Age mortuary enclosure, Middle Bronze Age enclosed settlement and Late Roman trackway at Aller Court Farm, Somerset, Volume 163, (2019), pp 31-67

Boyer, P, Orellana, J, Archaeological investigations at Riverton Road, Puriton, Somerset, 2017, Volume 163, (2019), pp 68-91

Randall, C, A Late Iron Age settlement at Haygrove Park, BridgwaterVolume 163, (2019), pp 92-102

Tabor, R, Bronze Age and Iron Age settlement at Newtown Park, Langport, Volume 163, (2019), pp 103-124

Rippon, S, Romano-British settlement on the North Somerset Levels: new evidence from Kingston Seymour, Volume 163, (2019), pp 125-137

Richards, J, ‘Fancifull men and crackt imaginations’: the antiquarians of Stanton Drew, Volume 163, (2019), pp 138-154

Hart, J, Sworn, S, and Alexander, M, Roman remains, post-medieval tenements and clay pipe manufacturing at Saw Close and Bridewell Lane, Bath; excavations 2015-16, Volume 163, (2019), pp 155-171

Minnitt, S, Counterfeit coin in Somerset, 1810-1855, Volume 163, (2019), pp 172-191

Supporting data (accessible to non-members)

Roethe, J, The doyen of the local architectural profession: Hans Fowler Price of Weston-super-Mare, Volume 163, (2019), pp 192-203

Pearson, G R, Short, C, and Russett, V, A novel surveying technique to demonstrate terrain features compared with geophysical findings using a Roman villa site as an example, Volume 163, (2019), pp 204-208

Supporting data (accessible to non-members)

Gerrard, J, Sixth-century connections: Anglo-Saxon brooches from Somerset, Volume 163, (2019), pp 208-213

Dawson, D, Hall, T, and Iveson, L, A group of late 16th-century pottery excavated from pit 13 in the garden of Wells and Mendip Museum, 8 Cathedral Green, Wells, Somerset, 1992-1997, Volume 163, (2019), pp 213-216

Dawson, D, Kent, O, and Stebbing, B, A mid 18th-century kiln of the ‘pottery house in the old park’, Dunster (HER PIN MSO9466), Volume 163, (2019), pp 216-219

Rabson, D, Nynehead’s Victorian Vicarage, Volume 163, (2019), pp 219-224

Somerset Vernacular Building Research Group, Building Recording in 2019, Volume 163, (2019), pp 225-237

Burnett, L, Finds reported to the Portable Antiquities Recording Scheme in 2019, pp 238-246

Webster, C (Ed.), Somerset Archaeology 2019, Volume 163, (2019), pp 247-268

The Natural History Committee, Ecology in Somerset 2019: Editorial, pp 269-270

Leach, S J, Richards, A J, Lavender, G E, Webb J, Ecology in Somerset 2019: Somerset dandelions (Taraxacum) – update 2019, Volume 163, (2019), pp 271-273

Ecology in Somerset 2019: Natural History Reports 2019, Volume 163, (2019), 274-293

Crouch, H J, Vascular Plant Report 2019, Volume 163, (2019),pp 274-280
Leach, S J, First Flowering Dates 2019, Volume 163, (2019), pp 280-282
Pilkington, S, Bryophytes in Somerset 2018-19, Volume 163, (2019), pp 282-283
McGill, J A, Additions and Corrections to the List of Somerset Beetles 2014-19, Volume 163, (2019), pp 283-285
Rawlins, J, Butterflies in Somerset 2019 – The Year of the Painted Lady, Volume 163, (2019), pp 285-286
Farr-Cox, F, Arachnids in Somerset 2019, Volume 163, (2019), pp 287-290
Leach, S J, and Parker, S J,  Plant Galls in Somerset 2019, Volume 163, (2019), pp 290-292
Hill, B, Somerset Birds 2018, Volume 163, (2019), pp. 292-293

Book Reviews, Volume 163, (2019), pp 294-298

Jessop, C, Proceedings of the Somerset Archaeological and Natural History Society: 2019 – SANHS Chairman’s Report 2019, Volume 163, (2019), pp 299-300

Jessop, C, Obituary: Reverend Brian William Kirk (20 January 1931 – 29 January 2019), Volume 163, (2019), pp 301-302

Goodman, S L, and Bromwich, D, Additions to the Library 2019, Volume 163, (2019), pp 303-310

Goodman, S L, and Bromwich, D, Articles and Chapters of Somerset Interest in Non-Somerset Periodicals and Books Received in 2019Volume 163, (2019), pp 311-312