The twenty-sixth Annual Meeting  held at Sherborne, Dorsetshire, on 24th August, 1874, Part 1, Vol 20, (1874), pp 1-10

Inaugural Address, Part 1, Vol 20, (1874), pp 10-20

Excursion to Sherborne Castle, IMAGE, Part 1, Vol 20, (1874), pp 20-36

Excursion to Sherborne Abbey Church & buildings, the Alms House Bradford Abbas Church, Clifton Maybank Manor House, Melbury House, Melbury Sampford & Netminster Churches, Part 1, Vol 20, (1874), pp 36-64

Excursion to Poyntington. Sandford Orcas Church & Manor House and Chilton Cantelo, IMAGE, Part 1, Vol 20, (1874), pp 64-77

Sherborne Museum, Part 1, Vol 20, (1874), pp 77-78

Additions to the Society’s Museum, Part 1, Vol 20, (1874), pp 78-79

Irvine, JT. Additional notes to paper on Wells Cathedral, Vol 20 (1874), 1-3

Freeman, E A, King Ine, Part 2, Vol 20, (1874), pp 1-57

King, R J, The Birthplace of Wynfrith or Saint Boniface as bearing on the Saxon conquest of Devonshire, Part 2, Vol 20, (1874), pp 59-73

Meade, Rev. Canon, A short memoir of Bishops Aldhelme and Athelme or Adelme, Part 2, Vol 20, (1874), pp 74-84

Barnes, W, Ealdhelm, First Bishop of Sherborne and the meeting of the English and Britons and their two churches in Wessex, Part 2, Vol 20, (1874), pp 85-97

Heale, Rev. J, Poyntington, Part 2, Vol 20, (1874), pp 98-106

Malet, O W, Memoir of Sir Thomas Malet, Part 2, Vol 20, (1874), pp 107-112

Batten, J, Trent, Part 2, Vol 20, (1874), pp 113-139

Buckman, J, Cephalopoda Bed & the Oolite Sands of Dorset and part of Somerset, Part 2, Vol 20, (1874), pp 140-164

Trustees and Officers, Part 2, Vol 20, (1874)