The Wyndham Hall Project

The Wyndham Hall is owned by SANHS and is now under the management of the Society’s trustees. The exciting project to renovate the hall back to its former glory has begun.

Work has started on re-upholstering the original hall seats. The work is being funded by donors as part of the Sponsor a Seat campaign. 

The seats before refurbishment
The new fabric for the seats
A volunteer oiling one of the seats

Sponsor a Seat

It costs £40 to refurbish a seat. If you would like to donate towards this campaign please complete the form below. You can elect to have your name, or the name of a friend, added to the sponsor’s plaque, to be erected in the hall.


There are other ways to help too. If you would like to get involved, contact Lizzie Induni in the first instance for an informal chat.