Grants for Heritage and Natural Sciences

The Somerset Archaeological and Natural History Society offers a number of grants to support research and to improve public access to the history, archaeology and natural sciences of the historic County of Somerset. Grant applications are invited from the heritage community, and you do not need to be a SANHS member to apply for a SANHS grant.
Decide which grant most nearly matches your project. If in doubt, contact the Society’s Office Manager on 01823 272429 or who will ensure that you can discuss the matter with an appropriate officer involved in the grant awarding process. If your project still falls outside these requirements, you may be invited to submit a resume of your project for further consideration.
The Pat Hill-Cottingham Memorial Fund is a new fund endowed by the trustees to further high quality research into the natural sciences of Somerset
The Maltwood Fund is dedicated to support high quality research into the archaeology and history of Somerset.
The Gray Fund is dedicated to promoting activities that encourage public understanding, interest and participation in archaeology and history.
The Desmond Williams Fund is dedicated to activities that will further knowledge of the vernacular architecture of Somerset.