Proceedings Volume 136 (1992)

Keynes, S. The discovery and first publication of the Alfred Jewel. Volume 136 (1993), 1-8
Newman, C. A late Saxon cemetery at Templecombe. Volume 136 (1993), 61-72
Webster, CJ. Excavations within the village of Shapwick. Volume 136 (1993), 117-126
Manco, J. Henry Savile’s map of Bath. Volume 136 (1993), 127-139
Webster, CJ and Croft, RA. Somerset Archaeology 1992. Volume 136 (1993), 161-182
Vernacular architecture notes 1992. Volume 136 (1993), 187-206
Somerset County Museums Service summary list of acquisitions 1992. Volume 136 (1993), 207-211
Natural history notes 1992. Volume 136 (1993), 221-229
Book reviews. Volume 136 (1993), 231-243
Trustees, Officers and AGM. Volume 136 (1993), 245-246
Obituaries. Volume 136 (1993), 247-249