Proceedings Volume 123 (1979)

Officers, proceedings and accounts, Volume 123 (1979), ii-vii
Curran, PJ, The form of the peat-blue clay boundary on the Somerset Levels, Volume 123 (1979), 1-3
Rahtz, P, Thirty-three years’ digging in Somerset, Volume 123 (1979), 19-26
Bush, RJE, West Newton Manor Farm, Volume 123 (1979), 55-64
McDonnell, R, The upper Axe valley, an interim statement, Volume 123 (1979), 75-82 and maps
Minnitt, S and Murless, BJ, Somerset Archaeology, 1978, Volume 123 (1979), 83-104
Hallam, O, Somerset ferns, Volume 123 (1979), 119-126
Natural history recorders’ notes, Volume 123 (1979), 127-132
Book notices, Volume 123 (1979), 137-144
Obituaries: Edgar K Tratman, Eric L Kelting, Ivor P Collis, Volume 123 (1979), 145-147