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Putting metalwork in its place: An analysis of the Late Bronze Age and Earliest Iron Age finds from Somerset : A webinar by Dr Matthew Knight

24 October, 2023 @ 19:30 - 20:30

During the Late Bronze Age and Earliest Iron Age (c.1150-600 BC), many bronze and gold objects were buried across Europe. This lecture will explore the meanings of metalwork deposition through the evidence from Somerset and investigate how the relationships between people, objects and places informed how and where artefacts were deposited as part of wider belief systems.

To register in advance for this Webinar, either email SANHS at:

Or to register directly, go to:

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar and reminder emails nearer the event


24 October, 2023
19:30 - 20:30




Events are graded from 1-4 in difficulty. The grading is found in the event description in the calendar on this page. Keep in mind that a change in weather conditions can make a walk more difficult than anticipated. All walks and activities demand a basic level of fitness, suitable footwear and waterproof clothing.

1 Easy – generally even ground with a few gentle slopes; no special fitness needed.  Comfortable footwear required.

2 Moderate – for reasonably fit people, may include unsurfaced rural paths and tracks, moderate slopes, uneven surfaces, steps and stiles. Walking shoes/boots required.

3 Strenuous – for fit, experienced walkers, will include hills, uneven surfaces, tracks and may include muddy terrain. Walking boots and waterproof clothing are essential.

4 Confined spaces – including caves and attics. Locations may be dusty, slippery and dark.

Activity leaders carry out a risk assessment beforehand. Participants are required to provide emergency contact details before taking part in an activity – this information is destroyed by the group leader after the activity has taken place.