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Guided Walk – Discovering the Origins of Axbridge with John Page
Church Steps, The Square, AxbridgeJoin John for a Guided Walk around this Historic Somerset Town SATURDAY 20 April 2024 11 a.m. From Church steps, the Square, Axbridge Numbers are limited to 12 […]
Harptrees History Society “Somerset follies.” by Jonathan Holt.
West Harptree Memorial Hall Compton Martin Rd, West Harptree, Bristol, United KingdomA fascinating look at the many intriguing architectural follies to be found around Bristol and North Somerset, Wednesday 24th April, 7.30pm. West Harptree Memorial Hall, Compton Martin Road, West Harptree, Bristol […]
Tintinhull Local History Group “Did the silk route reach Tintinhull?.” by Judy Miller.
Tintinhull Village Hall Vicarage Street, Tintinhull, SomersetWith photographs of items from the collection at Tintinhull House, plus small selection of items. Wednesday 24 April, 7.30pm Tintinhull Village Hall, Vicarage Street, Tintinhull, Yeovil B22 8PY Visitors £3, […]
Aquatic Life at the Avalon Marshes Sunday 28th April 11am
Avalon Marshes Centre Shapwick Rd, Westhay, Glastonbury, United KingdomLocation - Avalon Marshes Centre, Shapwick Road, Westhay, Glastonbury BA6 9TT Explore the Natural History of the pond at Shapwick and see some of the creatures that live in and […]
Visit to Avalon Marshes Archaeological Reconstructions – Sunday 28th April 2pm
Avalon Marshes Centre Shapwick Rd, Westhay, Glastonbury, United KingdomLocation - Avalon Marshes Centre Shapwick Road, Westhay, Glastonbury BA6 9TT Guided tour of all the attractions – takes about 1hour 15 minutes. Cost is £8.50 per person but this […]
Wells Natural History and Archaeological Society: VISIT: Leigh Down stone circles – led by the owner, Nic Colton.
Thursday 2 May, 11.30am. Visit will take about 3 hrs; bring own picnic. email
Yeovil Archaeological and Local History Society “A personal look back to Yeovil in the second World War” by local historian Jack Sweet.
Holy Trinity Church Lysander Rd, Yeovil, United KingdomFriday 3 May, 7.15pm. Holy Trinity Church, Lysander Road, Yeovil, BA20 2BU (parking available on site) Free to YALHS members, guests £2. Email: Website
North Sedgemoor Local History Group: “The Nornen – the ship in the sand” by John Strickland.
The King Alfred School Burnham Road, HighbridgeWednesday 8 May, 7 - 9 pm King Alfred School lecture theatre, Burnham Road, Highbridge, TA9 3EE Guests: £5
Guided Walk around Norton Fitzwarren: Saturday 11th May 13.45
Somerset Heritage Centre Brunel Way. Norton Fitzwarren, TauntonBob Croft (Head of Historic Environment for SWHT) will lead this guided walk which starts from the Somerset Heritage Centre at 13.45. It will then take in the Norton World […]
BACAS: Excursion “Hinton Priory”
Details on BACAS' website Excursions page.
Weston-super-Mare Archaeological and Natural History Society (WANHS): “Elizabethan Houses and the Transformation of England” by Dr Jonathan Foyle
Faces Cafe, 4-6 Station Rd Weston-Super-MareTuesday 14 May: doors open 7.00 / talk will start at 7.30 pm. FACES Cafe, 4 - 6 Station Rd, Weston-Super-Mare, BS23 1XB Entry £1.00 for members / £3.00 for non-members. Car […]
Glastonbury Antiquarian Society “Two new discoveries: medieval devotion at Glastonbury”
Glastonbury Town HallTim Hopkinson-Ball will discuss two artefacts. Thursday 16th May, 7 pm. Glastonbury Town Hall (small hall), Magdalene Street, Glastonbury BA6 9EL Cost: GAS members free, visitors £2. Car park adjacent to […]
Events are graded from 1-4 in difficulty. The grading is found in the event description in the calendar on this page. Keep in mind that a change in weather conditions can make a walk more difficult than anticipated. All walks and activities demand a basic level of fitness, suitable footwear and waterproof clothing.
1 Easy – generally even ground with a few gentle slopes; no special fitness needed. Comfortable footwear required.
2 Moderate – for reasonably fit people, may include unsurfaced rural paths and tracks, moderate slopes, uneven surfaces, steps and stiles. Walking shoes/boots required.
3 Strenuous – for fit, experienced walkers, will include hills, uneven surfaces, tracks and may include muddy terrain. Walking boots and waterproof clothing are essential.
4 Confined spaces – including caves and attics. Locations may be dusty, slippery and dark.
Activity leaders carry out a risk assessment beforehand. Participants are required to provide emergency contact details before taking part in an activity – this information is destroyed by the group leader after the activity has taken place.